
13th salary: what is it, who is entitled to it and how to calculate it?

Want to know how to calculate your 13th? Check out all the steps in our text and find out which people can receive this labor benefit.


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Mulher calculando o 13º salário.
Find out how much you will receive this year! Source: Freepik.

The 13th salary is a benefit that can help workers pay their bills, travel, or even have a more luxurious end of the year.

However, do you know how to calculate the amount you will receive? Or, do you know the rules for accessing this value? 

Hazard pay

Find out if you are entitled to this benefit that increases the value of your salary.

In this text we will help you get the main information on the subject! We have prepared a complete guide on the topic.

Therefore, continue reading if you are curious or want to know more about it and find out how much you will receive.

What is the 13th salary and how does it work?

Notas de reais
Check how this payment is made. Source: Freepik.

As the name of the benefit says, the 13th salary is an additional payment made to workers who have this right. 

Therefore, even though the year only has 12 months, people who can receive this benefit receive another payment.

This right is described in the Consolidation of Labor Laws and covers a large number of professionals.

However, it is important to note that the value may vary depending on some factors. For example: working time and absences.

Do you want to know who is entitled to payment and find out how to calculate how much you will receive? Therefore, continue reading the next topics in the article.

Night additional

Find out more information about the bonus paid to those who work nights.

What does the CLT say about the thirteenth salary?

According to the CLT, the 13th salary must be paid at the end of the year, in two installments, or in the event of dismissal of an employee who has served a minimum amount of time at the company.

Law No. 9,011/95 also defines that this must be proportional to the time worked in a company.

Are you in doubt and want to know if you are eligible? Check out the next topic to find out if you fit into the group of workers who receive this benefit.

Who is entitled to the benefit?

All people who work with a formal contract, that is, under the CLT regime, are entitled to the 13th salary. 

However, you must have worked for at least 15 days in the same company to receive this payment.

When is the 13th salary paid?

The 13th salary can be paid in three different ways! We will describe each of them in this topic.

Firstly, this benefit can be paid in full at the end of the year. Therefore, the employee receives the entire amount at once in the last months of the year.

At the same time, it is also possible to receive the 13th in two installments. In this case, half of the amount is paid by November 30th and the other half is deposited by December 20th.

This is the method most used by companies, after all, it guarantees that the employer's expenses will not be high at the end of the year.

Finally, when a person is fired they must also receive the 13th. This payment must be made at the time of dismissal and is proportional to the months worked.

What is the value of the 13th salary?

The value of the 13th salary varies according to a series of factors. Want to know what they are? Therefore, continue reading this topic of our article.

If an employee works for a full year at a company, the 13th year will have exactly the same as a normal salary.

However, we need to emphasize that if a person has 15 unexcused absences in the same month, the employer can deduct one month's value from this benefit.

Finally, people who have worked for less than a year at a company receive proportional amounts. Do you want to know how to do this calculation? Check it out in the next topic of the text.

How is the thirteenth salary calculated?

To calculate the 13th salary, simply divide the value of your gross salary by 12.

Therefore, write down the amount you earn every month and then use a calculator to divide this by 12.

Then, just think about how many months you have worked at a company to make the proportional calculation. 

For example: a person who has been with the same company for 7 months must divide their salary by 12 and then multiply this value by 7. Finally, remember to deduct unexcused absences, if you have any.

If you chose to receive the 13th in two installments, you need to divide the value of a salary by 2. 

In this case, payment will be made in two installments. However, the first deposit will be larger, because there will be an INSS and income tax discount on the second installment.

How can I check the payment of this labor benefit?

Homem usa calculadora para calcular o 13º salário
Find out how to check if the payment is correct. Source: Freepik.

If you chose to receive your 13th salary in just one installment, check that your salary was paid at the end of the year. You can use the calculations described above for this check.

On the other hand, if you receive the 13th in two installments, you will need to pay attention to both payments.

In this case, monitor the deposits and do the calculations according to the formula described above.

Finally, remember that this benefit can be even more advantageous if you work in a profession that has hazard pay.

Want to know if you fit into this category? Therefore, continue reading our guide on the subject available below.

Additional hazard pay

Discover the professions that can receive this benefit.

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