
Most popular courses in Brazil: how to sign up

Did you know that there are different ways to enter college? Our guide will help you find the ideal one for your reality. So, continue reading and check out all the information.


Find out how to study one of the most desired courses in the country

Mulher com livros na mão em faculdade
Find out which form of entry is best for your reality. Source: Freepik.

Do you know which are the most popular courses in Brazil? Among them we can highlight Medicine, Nutrition, Advertising, Pharmacy and Computer Sciences.

There are several ways to enter college and obtain a degree in one of these areas. 

Higher Education: how does it work?

Find out here in detail how Higher Education works and its advantages.

In this text we will help you understand some ways to start a degree and obtain a diploma.

Therefore, if you want to know more about the subject, be sure to read the content until the end. 

What are the requirements to take an undergraduate course?

Firstly, to take an undergraduate course you must have completed high school. 

At the same time, in public colleges it is necessary to pass the institution's own entrance exam or Enem! We will explain a little more about this process below.

How to enroll in the most popular courses in Brazil?

Mulher com livros e lápis na mão
Check out our list. Source: Freepik.

To sign up for the most popular courses in Brazil, you can use one of the methods below! Check it out and find out how to prepare for the one your chosen institution uses.

Entrance exam

In a more traditional way, the student takes a test carried out by the institution and the best placed are selected for the most competitive courses in Brazil.


Using the Enem score, the student can obtain scholarships with this Federal Government program and receive from 50% to 100% in discount on private college tuition fees.


This program also uses the Enem score. However, successful students enter the most competitive courses in Brazil at public colleges.


With Fies, a student can negotiate the value of their private college's tuition fees and pay after completing the course.

And either

Finally, as we already said, Enem is a way to enter one of the most popular courses in Brazil. This test can count towards Prouni, SISU or Fies. Therefore, pay attention to your answers.

Furthermore, there are educational institutions that replace the entrance exam with the Enem score.

And if you liked this content and want to know more about Higher Education, be sure to read our text below on this topic.

Undergraduate and postgraduate: see the difference

Understand the differences between these two courses in this article.

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