
Free courses Think Courses: discover the options

The Pensar Cursos platform offers free courses for free and charges only when issuing the certificate. Find out in this text how to take advantage of the more than 2,000 course options available.


More than 2,000 free course options that can help you specialize

Online courses without any prerequisites, find out how to do it! Source: Pensar Cursos.

When was the last time you updated your resume? Staying stagnant can harm your career! Therefore, we recommend the free Pensar Cursos courses.

This platform offers more than 2,000 course options and there are certainly some that may interest you.

Pensar Courses Courses: see how to sign up

Check here how the registration process for Pensar Cursos free courses works.

In this article we will help you understand the main points about Pensar Cursos.

So, if you want to know more about the platform, continue reading and answer all your questions with our help.

What is Pensar Cursos?

Homem estuda com computador e livro
Discover the platform and its benefits. Source: Freepik.

Pensar Cursos is an online course website that can help you specialize or gain more knowledge in an area. In total, there are more than 2,000 class options that can enhance your career.

However, it should be noted that all the material on the site consists of free courses. This means that, even with the certificate, these do not have graduation or technical weight.

How do Pensar Cursos free courses work?

Enrolling in the free Pensar Cursos courses has no cost, as does attending classes or taking tests. 

However, upon completion, if the student wants to obtain their digital certificate, a fee of R$ 25.00 will be charged.

It is important to highlight that the certificate only exists digitally. Therefore, no documents will be sent to your home.

What are the course options at Pensar Cursos?

As we said previously, there are more than 2,000 free Pensar Cursos courses. Therefore, we will mention just some of the categories available on the site, each of which offers a large number of options!

  • Administration;
  • Environment and agriculture;
  • Art and entertainment;
  • House and garden;
  • Natural sciences;
  • Human Sciences;
  • Preparation for public examination;
  • Cooking;
  • Right;
  • Economy;
  • Beauty;
  • Languages (such as Spanish or English);
  • Computing.

What are the advantages of free Pensar Cursos courses?

The first big advantage is, without a doubt, the possibility of being able to study and gain more knowledge in the desired area for free. Even without issuing a certificate, it is still possible to attend classes and learn about the topic.

At the same time, it is possible to say that the cost of certificates is affordable. Therefore, if you want to obtain the document, the financial issue will not be a problem.

Finally, the online platform is perfect for those who have little time or a busy life. Studying at home in your free time can be the key to climbing your career ladder.

How to register for courses?

computador e caderno em mesa de estudos
The registration process is very simple, check it out. Source: Freepik.

The registration process is easy and quick, as you only need to fill out a simple form. However, we wrote a complete article to help you sign up for Pensar Cursos free courses.

Therefore, if you are interested, continue reading the text below and ask all your questions about the topic.

Pensar Courses Courses: see how to sign up

Check here how the registration process for Pensar Cursos free courses works.

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