
Free courses Kultivi: know the options

Discover the free Kultivi courses here, the platform offers classes in different languages and prepares you for tests like Enem or AOB for free!


Discover the platform that can help you study for free

Logo Kultivi
Discover the platform. Source: Kultivi.

Do you know the free Kultivi courses? This platform provides free education in extremely useful areas.

If you've never heard of this site before, check out our recommendation.

Kultivi Courses: see how to sign up

Check here how to study on this platform that offers free online courses in various areas.

In this text we mention which materials are available on the platform and how to access them.

Therefore, be sure to read until the end to have all your questions answered.

What is Kultivi?

Mulher estuda com um dos cursos gratuitos Kultivi
Take language or preparatory courses for free on this site. Source: Pexels.

Kultivi is a startup that focuses on democratizing information and offering courses to students. Therefore, the company offers free materials to students across Brazil.

Kultivi's free courses focus on language areas or preparation for AOB, public exams or Enem. Therefore, you can use this platform if you want to learn a new language or receive approval in one of these areas.

How do Kultivi free courses work?

There is no fee charged for students to take the free Kultivi courses. However, optional extra courses are still sold so that the platform can maintain itself.

The courses offer recorded classes with activities that help students test their knowledge. Finally, upon finishing the program you can obtain the certificate for free.

What are Kultivi’s course options?

Are you interested in this platform? Therefore, check out some free Kultivi course options that may attract you.


There are free Kultivi course offers in different languages! All of these offer lessons in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Therefore, it is possible to obtain advanced notions in the following languages:

  • French;
  • Spanish;
  • English;
  • Italian;
  • German;
  • Korean.

Enem Preparation

How about studying a complete Enem course for free? At the same time, if you prefer, you can choose a program that focuses on one of the subjects you need most. For example:

  • Course for the Complete Enem;
  • Course for Enem Biology;
  • Course for Enem Physics;
  • Course for Enem Geography.

Competition Preparation

Finally, there are also course options that can help you receive approval in public exams. Check out some of the programs that are available on this site:

  • Portuguese for competitions;
  • History for competitions;
  • Civil Law Course.

What are the advantages of Kultivi free courses?

Firstly, Kultivi free courses offer quality material, free and created by leading teachers in their fields. Therefore, it is possible to trust the information offered.

At the same time, there are other benefits, such as the existence of an app that can help you study anywhere and, of course, the free issuance of the certificate.

How to register for courses?

Homem estuda com computador
Find out how to create an account on this site. Source: Pexels.

Firstly, to take one of the free Kultivi courses you need to register on the platform. Therefore, access this website and click on “Register”.

You will need to provide data such as name, email and CPF. Ready! Your account has already been created and you can register for any of the courses available on the website.

If you want to check out more information on this subject, continue reading our text below on this topic.

Kultivi Courses: see how to sign up

Check here how to study on this platform that offers free online courses in various areas.

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