
Technical course: what is it and how does it work?

The technical course is a great way to enter the job market, with a shorter duration than college, it can be taken by teenagers and adults of all ages. In this text we will explain more about the subject.


Boost your career and prepare for the job market with technical courses

Operários analisando planos.
The technical course helps you enter the job market. Source: Adobe Stock.

Have you ever thought about taking a technical course? This can be a solution for those who are thinking about changing their field of activity or are looking for a job in the job market.

There are many options in the area and one of them will certainly please you and provide advantages for your professional career.

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In this text you can find information about technical courses and find out if this is the best option for your future.

Therefore, if you want to know more about the topic, read the article until the end and see how it can help you.

What is a technical course?

Homem mexendo em uma placa de computador
The areas of activity are the most varied. Source: Adobe Stock.

The technical course's main focus is to prepare the student for the job market. Therefore, unlike a degree, which seeks to deepen your knowledge on a subject, technical courses are more practical and faster.

Upon graduating from a course of this nature, the student receives the title of technician in the area studied. In general, the duration of one of these courses can be 1 or 2 years.

It is very common for some people to take a technical course integrated into high school. Therefore, upon graduation, these students have two diplomas and are prepared for the job market.

At the same time, nothing prevents an adult from taking a technical course. There are schools specialized in this type of training that serve people of all ages.

In short, the technician can be a good option for those who want a quick insertion into the job market.

How does the technical course work?

Generally, in a technical course, the student takes practical subjects from the beginning of their studies. Therefore, it is possible to advance more quickly in the knowledge you have in the desired area.

Focused on the day-to-day life of a profession, the student performs some of the activities of a professional in the field while being accompanied by a teacher who evaluates him.

Just like in a school, there are tests and assignments that must be delivered within the stipulated deadlines. These yield grades and determine whether the student will receive approval or not!

The subjects in the curriculum, in most technical courses, are determined from the beginning. Therefore, the student does not have much freedom to choose subjects.

What types of technical courses are there?

There are 3 types of technical courses, integrated, external and professional. Check out how each of these is carried out below.

  • Integrated: it is done together with High School. The student has some of his high school subjects replaced by technical course classes and graduates in both areas upon completing his studies;
  • External: it is done in another institution. Teenagers can take a technical course this way while studying high school subjects at another school;
  • Vocational: this modality is focused on teaching adults and people who have already completed high school. It has several themes and is offered in schools and institutions that focus on this audience.

Who can take this course?

As previously stated, there are no restrictions on who can take this type of course. 

Therefore, if you are a high school student, you can choose integrated or external modalities. At the same time, people who have already graduated can take the technical vocational course.

If you want to gain more knowledge in a specific area and start working in this field, the technical course is recommended for you!

What are the advantages?

Among the advantages of the technical course are its short duration, when compared to a college. However, there are other benefits that make this a good choice!

We've made a complete list so you know the reasons why taking a technical course can be a good opportunity. See below!

  • Rapid insertion into the job market;
  • Short period of studies;
  • Practical classes;
  • Possibility of obtaining 2 diplomas upon completing high school;
  • Tuition fees are cheaper than college courses.

Is it worth taking a technical course?

The answer to this question is not easy and varies for each person. There are some areas that do not have a technical course. Therefore, professionals must go to college if they want to practice this profession.

Therefore, if you really want to work in an area in which there is no technical course, it is better not to opt for this type of study. Study a degree in the area to achieve your goals.

At the same time, it may be worth enrolling in a technical program if you don't want to wait to enter the job market.

People looking for a quick job find great opportunities here.

Therefore, based on everything you have read in this text so far, evaluate your individual reality and think about whether this type of course really is the best choice for your professional goals.

How to take this type of course?

If you are interested in the technical course, it is time to look for the one that is most in line with your goals. Therefore, look for technical schools in your city and see what courses are offered.

In public institutions, teenagers who will attend high school together with a coach must take an entrance exam. The test determines which students will enter the school.

At the same time, private institutions offer a variety of technical courses without the need to take a test. So, check out the best option and find the institutions available in your city.

On the other hand, if you want to know more about the job market, access our recommended content below and see how to prepare your resume.

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