
Free digital marketing course: Discover 6 sites to study online

Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing areas of technology, and to help you enter this universe, we have brought excellent free courses for you to start your studies.


Discover how to take a free digital marketing course

Curso marketing digital gratuito
See how you can take free courses. Source: Adobe Stock.

To get started, you have to take the first step, right? So to help you dive into this world of digital marketing, see how to take a completely free course!

In this article, we will present a selection of free online courses that will help you immerse yourself in this electrifying universe, without needing to touch your wallet. 



Digital Marketing Course


See how to register for free Digital Marketing courses.

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From curious beginners to experienced professionals looking to upgrade, there are options for everyone!

So, get ready to explore the fascinating world of digital marketing, improve your skills and take a leap towards professional success. Let's go!

Why take a free digital marketing course?

Discover all the advantages of the course. Source: Adobe Stock.

In fact, the question should be why not take advantage of the opportunity to dive into the amazing world of digital marketing without spending a dime? 

Taking a free digital marketing course is a smart choice for several reasons.

Firstly, you can gain valuable knowledge about digital marketing strategies and tools. 

This is a chance to learn basic concepts and explore different areas, such as social media, SEO, content marketing and online advertising.

And with the increased use of social networks and other technologies, this is knowledge that will help you stand out in any professional environment.

Additionally, these free courses help you stay up to date with the latest market trends and best practices. 

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and you don't want to be left behind, right?

And there's more! By participating in these free courses, you will have the opportunity to interact with other participants, make valuable contacts and expand your professional network. 

So, don't miss this chance to acquire knowledge, update your skills and boost your career in digital marketing. 

Take advantage of the free courses and dive right into this exciting journey!

Rock Content

Rock Content has a new look, and its new name is PbyP School, they offer one of the best-known Digital Marketing certifications.

The Content Marketing course on this platform has become almost mandatory for anyone starting out in this area.

It addresses the basic principles of marketing in a simple and didactic way, making it very easy to understand, especially for beginners.

So if this is your first contact with digital marketing, this is a great free course to start your learning.

Additionally, it has a Linkedin-compatible certificate, so you can put together a strong resume.

To sign up, just click the button below.


Digital Marketing Course

Rock Content


See how to register for free Digital Marketing courses.

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HubSpot Academy

Hubspot Academy is a very solid and recognized digital marketing company in this market, and it also offers several free courses.

On their platform you will find the most diverse marketing courses, so our recommendation is to take the Rock Content course first.

Or other Content Marketing courses to understand the basics.

After that, when you already have an idea of the areas, go and study one of the segments that you liked the most.

On this platform you will find courses on Inbound Marketing, sales, customer service, email marketing and many others.

However, the flagship course of this platform is Inbound Marketing, and it is Mr. Courses' recommended course for you.


Digital Marketing Course



See how to register for free Digital Marketing courses.

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Now, if you want to study digital marketing to focus on sales, Mirago's free courses are for you.

Even teaching the most diverse marketing strategies, Mirago's courses are focused on e-commerce, entrepreneurs and other segments.

So if you want to go into Digital Marketing sales, Mirago's courses are for you.


Digital Marketing Course



See how to register for free Digital Marketing courses.

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For those of you who want to have a certificate with the name of a more traditional platform, Sebrae is the perfect choice.

It is aimed at entrepreneurs who want to learn how to use digital marketing to boost their businesses.

However, as they teach a lot of practice, such as using tools, it is still a great option for beginners.


Digital Marketing Course



See how to register for free Digital Marketing courses.

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Finally, reaching the end of our list, the last recommendation for a free digital marketing course is Coursera.

On this platform you will find one of the most complete Marketing courses when it comes to fundamentals.

In it you will learn the main practical concepts such as ROI, SEO, SEM, AB testing and much more.

So if you are interested, be sure to check out this platform that offers extremely high-quality courses.


Digital Marketing Course



See how to register for free Digital Marketing courses.

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How do I register?

After all, how to register. Source: Adobe Stock.

To register, it is very simple, just follow our instructions below:

Since Senhor Cursos is here to help you, we leave a subscription button right below each topic.

Therefore, if you want to sign up, just click “Subscribe” at the end of each topic to go to each platform's registration page.

After that, just choose the course you want to take, and fill in your details to create your account and that's it.

Now just start your study path towards the world of Marketing.

Senac free courses: See how to enroll

Have you ever thought about doing professional training completely for free? With Senac courses this is possible! See details below.

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