
Curriculum: what is it and how to prepare yours?

Do you know what the most important information on a resume is? Organization and practicality are the main requirements to win over recruiters and get the desired position. Continue reading and find out more.


If you don't get called for job interviews, the problem may be with your resume. Know what to do!

Duas pessoas em uma entrevista de emprego
The appropriate resume opens doors for the candidate! Source: Adobe Stock.

The resume is the first impression that a job candidate conveys to the selection team. Therefore, it is very important to have this document in great shape. Otherwise, you may not even be called for interviews.

Are you unemployed and looking for a replacement in the job market? So, you've probably already noticed the importance of having a good CV.

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In this text we will teach you how to create a CV that catches the attention of recruiters and gets you more job interviews.

Therefore, read the text until the end to avoid making any more mistakes and discover how to make a good first impression. Let's go!

What is a resume?

Mulher em uma sala de espera com currículo na mão.
Get called for more job interviews. Source: Adobe Stock.

A resume, also known as a CV, is a document created to provide basic information about a candidate for a job opening. In other words, this is how a candidate presents themselves to the recruiter.

As there is no fixed form for a resume, it is possible to use the most different approaches. However, do you know which one gives the best results?

There are some basic tips that can help you avoid making mistakes when creating a resume. In this text you will check this information.

Why is it important to have a good CV?

First of all, a job candidate must understand that the resume is the first step in the selection process. Therefore, not presenting a good CV can eliminate your chances.

By knowing how to prepare this document in an intelligent way, it is possible to even mask a career with little experience. Therefore, a good CV can be the key to getting your dream job.

Finally, it is important to have a quality CV to make sure that examiners will know your positive points and professional experiences.

How to prepare a CV?

Mulher sentada com um notebook
The time has come to prepare your CV in the most advantageous way. Source: Adobe Stock.

Have you found your dream job, have the necessary training, and want to make sure this job is yours? So, check out the step-by-step guide to delight recruiters and get the job.

Choose your resume template

To create a good CV, it is important to pay attention to the design of the document. Therefore, be aware that recruiters prefer well-designed and short models. Do not use more than two pages!

At the same time, also be careful not to overdo it. Excessive graphics, unsolicited photos and exaggerated colors can make a bad impression.

The ideal model actually depends on the area you are applying for. Therefore, candidates for jobs in the field of graphic design and visual arts can make a good impression with embellished resumes.

On the other hand, engineers and teachers present themselves better if they use more sober colors and more serious fonts.

Enter personal data

Firstly, avoid providing excessive personal data. For example: personal document numbers and family names do not need to be included.

Initially, the candidate must provide their full name, contact details, such as telephone, email and address.

In some areas, more information may be required, such as photo and age. Therefore, read the vacancy announcement carefully and inform what was requested.

Fulfill your professional objective

The professional objective corresponds to the position or area you would like to occupy in the company. Therefore, pay attention to the vacancies that were announced by recruiters.

Always remember to be sincere about the job you want. However, don’t be too “ambitious”. In other words, if you don't have the experience for a position, don't ask to fill it.

It's better to start at the bottom and work your way up through the company.

Write about your professional experiences

Professional experiences are the most important data!

You must inform the name of the company you worked for, the position held and describe the activities carried out. Don't forget to also inform the period of time you spent in this occupation.

A good way to organize this information is to place the most recent experiences at the top of the page. Create a timeline and put your oldest performance at the end.

At the same time, try to only mention occupations that are related to the position for which you are applying. Don't fill your resume with unnecessary experiences.

The candidate who gets straight to the point and makes the recruiter's job easier gains a few more points when called for an interview.

Describe your academic background

Just like professional experiences, your academic background is extremely important on your resume. This information is a way to draw attention when the candidate does not yet have work experience in the area.

Therefore, describe your entire academic career with the main data. At the same time, remember that being brief and objective is essential in a resume.

Among the information that cannot be missing are: year of entry and completion, name of the educational institution and name of the course.

Mention the courses and complementary activities

Complementary courses and activities can be the big difference that will guarantee you a place! At this point, it is always important to mention activities that are related to the position you want in the company.

Some of the courses that are always good choices are: language courses, specializations, exchanges and internships or volunteer work that is related to the vacancy.

Therefore, inform the period in which you carried out the activities and provide a brief summary, a list may be a good option.

On the other hand, if you think you need more qualifications before preparing your CV, access our recommended content below and see how the technical course works.

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