
Petrobras Competition: check dates, vacancies, remuneration and much more!

Petrobras has open positions in several areas and only requires technical courses from its candidates! Find out more details about the selection process by reading our article on the topic.


Find out what it takes to not miss this opportunity

Grupo de trabalhadores em plataforma de petróleo
The positions only require technical courses! Know more. Source: Freepik.

The Petrobras competition is a great chance for people from different areas who are looking for competitions at the moment.

However, to take advantage of this chance you need to know all the main details about the selection process. 




Open Vacancies Good benefits

Take the exam and compete for positions with a salary above 3,000 reais.

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For example: what is the registration period, open positions, necessary requirements and how to register.

Therefore, read the following text and check out the most important information you need to know.

How does the Petrobras competition work?

Homem trabalha em plataforma de petróleo depois de ser aprovado em Concurso Petrobras
Find out what the steps of the process are. Source: Freepik.

To help you understand how the Petrobras competition works, we created a guide with the steps the candidate needs to go through to be approved.

Firstly, all candidates will be assessed through an objective test with questions on Portuguese, mathematics and specific knowledge of the desired area.

At the same time, don't forget that you need to have a technical degree in the area you want to compete. We will inform all positions later in this text.

Then, selected candidates who declared themselves disabled or black and mixed race must undergo an assessment to prove these conditions.

Finally, the test scores will be announced and the tiebreaker criteria will be used to choose those selected.

It is worth remembering that these criteria prioritize people over 60 years of age or who answered a greater number of questions correctly in the specific test to occupy the position.




Open Vacancies Good benefits

Take the exam and compete for positions with a salary above 3,000 reais.

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What are the competition dates?

To take part in the Petrobras competition, you must pay attention to the deadlines and not miss important dates.

Registration for this event takes place between 02/15 and 03/17. Then, you must pay the fee of R$ 62.79 by 03/22.

Finally, the tests will be taken on 04/30. In turn, assessments of people declared to be disabled or black and brown occur on 03 and 04/06.

The final result, already applying the tiebreaker criteria, will be made public on 10/07.

What are the positions and vacancies in the competition?

One of the advantages of the Petrobras competition is the wide variety of positions open by this public company!

Want to know what these are? Therefore, check the list of occupations and number of vacancies available in this competition.

  • Occupational Nursing: 3 vacancies for broad competition, 1 reserved for people with disabilities and 1 reserved for black or brown people;
  • Inspection of Equipment and Facilities: 8 vacancies for broad competition, 1 reserved for people with disabilities and 2 reserved for black or mixed race people;
  • Transport Logistics: 4 vacancies for broad competition, 1 reserved for people with disabilities and 1 reserved for black or mixed race people;
  • Electrical Maintenance: 29 vacancies for broad competition, 4 reserved for people with disabilities and 8 reserved for black or mixed race people;
  • Maintenance Instrumentation: 39 vacancies for broad competition, 5 reserved for people with disabilities and 11 reserved for black or mixed race people;
  • Mechanical Maintenance: 47 vacancies for broad competition, 6 reserved for people with disabilities and 13 reserved for black or mixed race people;
  • Operation: 8 vacancies for broad competition, 10 reserved for people with disabilities and 23 reserved for black or brown people;
  • Ballast Operation: 17 vacancies for broad competition, 2 reserved for people with disabilities and 5 reserved for black or brown people;
  • Projects, Construction and Assembly – Electrical: 3 vacancies for broad competition and 1 reserved for black or brown people;
  • Projects, Construction and Assembly – Mechanics: 3 vacancies for broad competition, 1 reserved for people with disabilities and 1 reserved for black or mixed race people;
  • Job Security: 26 vacancies for broad competition, 3 reserved for people with disabilities and 7 reserved for black or mixed race people;
  • Supply of Goods and Services – Administration: 4 vacancies for broad competition, 1 reserved for people with disabilities and 1 reserved for black or mixed race people.

What is the remuneration and benefits?

In all positions the basic salary is R$ 3,294.36 with a guaranteed minimum salary of R$ 5,563.90.

At the same time, it is also possible to count on the typical benefits of a public position. For example: stability, career plan and special licenses.

Who can take part in the Petrobras competition?

We have prepared a list with all the requirements needed to participate in the Petrobras contest! 

Candidates who wish to register for this competition must have:

  • Brazilian or Portuguese nationality;
  • Fulfilled his electoral and military obligations;
  • At least 18 years old upon admission;
  • Not be over 75 years old;
  • Pay the registration fee;
  • Pass the test;
  • Have a technical degree in the area in which you applied.

What is the syllabus of the tests?

Firstly, all candidates for the Petrobrás competition will have to answer tests with Portuguese and Mathematics questions. 

Therefore, some of the topics covered will be: understanding texts, spelling, exponential functions and equations, spatial geometry, etc.

At the same time, you will also need to answer a test with specific questions about the area you registered for! Therefore, prepare yourself by reviewing the knowledge obtained in the technical course.

How to register for the Petrobras public tender?

To register for the Petrobras contest, you must fill out a form available on the contest's official website!

Therefore, click on the link below to access the address and begin the process. Then click the “Sign up” button and create an account with your personal information.

Finally, keep an eye on your email and the dates in the notice.




Open Vacancies Good benefits

Take the exam and compete for positions with a salary above 3,000 reais.

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Petrobras competition or Aeronautics competition: which is the best competition to register for?

Homem trabalha em plataforma de petróleo
Finally, find out what other options are in the area. Source: Freepik.

Finally, we need to highlight that although the Petrobras competition is a great opportunity, this is not the only one available!

Therefore, it is also possible to enroll in other selection processes, such as the Air Force!

We made a complete guide on this topic! Therefore, if you want to know more, just click on the link below and check out the information.

Aeronautics Competition

Find out all the details about the competition and the test in our text.

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