
Ladder competition: what is it and what are its advantages?

The ladder contest is a practice used by competitive candidates. It consists of taking a test for another position to have stability until you can occupy the desired position. Find out more now.


Discover the technique used by many competitors

Aluno estuda para concurso escada
Understand this practice and find out if it is recommended for you. Source: Pexels.

Have you ever heard of a ladder contest? This term refers to a practice that can bring more financial security and stability while you do not achieve the desired public position.

However, you need to be careful with some points so as not to lose focus on the real objective and be harmed in the process.

Higher level competition

Find out here how to take a higher education exam, with less competition!

In this text we will discuss the ladder competition and help you understand the main points on this topic. So, if you are curious about the topic, continue reading.

Our complete guide can help you avoid making any mistakes and provide a step-by-step guide to the topics that deserve your attention.

What is a ladder contest?

Aluno estuda para concurso escada
Practice helps you earn income while studying for another exam. Source: Pexels.

Imagine the scenario: you really want to hold public office. However, the competition for this role is not being held, or it is very competitive and that is why you were not approved.

So, what to do in this waiting period until a competition for this position opens again? This is when the concept of the ladder competition emerges!

This practice involves providing a public tender that is easier to pass. Therefore, the candidate can receive a salary while continuing to study and prepare to reach the role of their dreams.

However, some requirements must be met for a competition to fit into the category. Would you like to know what these are? Then read the next topic in the text. 

Mid-level competition

The high school competition does not require a degree! Find out more here.

How does the ladder contest work?

Firstly, a good ladder competition must have a reduced working day, 6 or 7 hours, for example. Therefore, the candidate will be able to work and continue dedicating themselves to studies to achieve the desired position.

At the same time, this competition should have less demand and be easier to approve. This way, the candidate will be more confident that he will be able to occupy the position for a while.

Among the examples of positions that can be considered ladder competitions we mention: IBGE agents, administrative positions in universities, city halls, banks and even the INSS.

Finally, the topics covered in the test of this type of competition may be easier. Therefore, the candidate will not have to spend a lot of energy preparing for this test.

Who can take part in this contest?

The ladder competition is mainly recommended for those who are unemployed and do not have any income while trying to get the desired position. Therefore, the contestant will have a way to earn money until he reaches his goal.

At the same time, if you are in a job that is affecting your study routine, this competition can also be a good solution. 

It is worth remembering that, for ladder competitions, positions with reduced working hours must be sought. This way it is possible to prioritize studies for the desired position.

Finally, if you have a financial reserve, or are able to just study and not work, it may be worth not taking the ladder exam! If you can focus solely on your desired position without causing economic losses, do it!

Is this contest worth doing?

To know if a ladder competition is really worth it, it is necessary to weigh the positive and negative points of the practice. Therefore, we made a list that can help you understand whether this type of contest is advantageous for you!

Read it and check it out!


Firstly, as part of the advantages of taking a ladder competition we can mention:

  • Less pressure for results;
  • Financial feedback;
  • Reduced working hours;
  • Free time to carry out your studies.


On the other hand, there are also characteristics that can make the candidate abandon this practice. Check the list with any of these

  • Risk of losing focus;
  • Less time to study;
  • Risk of accommodation with the position.

How to choose the ladder competition?

Estudantes em classe
Check out how to make the most appropriate choice. Source: Pexels.

Firstly, to choose the ideal ladder competition, prioritize the position with the shortest working hours. Therefore, you will be able to use your free time to study for upcoming competitions.

It can be tempting to choose the highest paying positions. However, if these take up all your free time, the return will not be worth it.

Then, check what options are close to your home. Ideally, if approved, you won't waste too much time on the road to work. After all, all the time dedicated to studying is precious.

Finally, look for options according to the positions we described above. Remember to prioritize the easiest tests with fewer candidates to get approval faster.

And if you want to check out more tips on how to prepare for a public exam, read our text on this topic! We have prepared a guide with information that can help you achieve the approval you dream of.

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How to study for the exam

Our tips will help you prepare for the test, check them out!

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