
Mid-level competition: how to prepare?

Secondary level competitions are a great choice for those who do not have a higher education degree and would like to work in the public sector. Discover the main information and learn how to prepare through this text.


Find out how to get a government job without higher education

Teste de múltipla escolha
Find out what mid-level competitions are and how to prepare. Source: Adobe Stock.

Did you know that it is possible to take the exam and work as a civil servant even if you do not have a higher education degree? In this case, it is necessary to take a mid-level exam.

First of all, if you have any questions about public tenders, read our full text on the subject. We made a guide on this type of selection process!

Pessoas fazendo prova no concurso público

Public tender: what is it and how does it work?

Find out here how the public exam works and how to prepare for it.

In a mid-level public competition, it is possible to occupy several positions. For example: technicians and assistants in different areas and also military careers, such as soldiers!

Do you want to find out everything about the subject and learn how to prepare for the test? Read this article and find out how to become a civil servant even without college.

What is a mid-level competition?

Mulher estudando em livraria
First, find out what a mid-level contest is. Source: Adobe Stock.

A mid-level competition is a type of public competition. Therefore, this aims to apply a test that acts as a selection process to select an employee for a public company, public body or mixed administration.

However, the big difference is the fact that a mid-level competition does not require higher education. Therefore, these tend to be more popular!

In general, the process for carrying out this type of competition is similar to that requiring a higher education degree. You need to register, pay the fee, check the information in the notice and study hard for the test.

What are the mid-level competitions?

There are a multitude of mid-level competitions that are held throughout Brazil. Therefore, the positions available cover the most diverse areas and specialties.

So that you can check some of the professions that can be filled in mid-level competitions, we have created the list below.

  • Technicians (in nursing, IT, administrative, etc.);
  • Operators (audio, computer, etc.);
  • Assistants (accounting, IT, security, etc.);
  • Analysts (banking, environmental management, etc.);
  • Municipal Guards;
  • Soldiers.

Remember, these are just a few examples! In short, whatever your area of greatest interest, it is possible to find a compatible profession in mid-level competitions.

What are the advantages of this contest?

Firstly, it is possible to mention the characteristic advantages of taking any public tender. For example, job stability, retirement with full salary and readjustment.

On the other hand, mid-level competitions have a specific advantage, which is that they do not require higher education. Therefore, anyone with a high school diploma can seek public office.

And the disadvantages?

At the same time, the advantage of a high school exam not requiring a university degree can turn into a disadvantage! This is because the number of candidates may be greater!

Therefore, it may be necessary to study more carefully and for longer to be accepted into this type of competition.

Who can participate in a mid-level public exam?

There are two requirements to participate in a mid-level contest. These are being over 18 years old and having completed high school.

If you fit into these categories, just look for open notices and sign up for the tests.

What are the most common topics in this contest?

There are a series of subjects that are more common in secondary level competitions. In general, these are subjects presented in high school. Therefore, it is possible to study with the support of teaching material for this audience or take a specific course.

We have created a list of some of the main disciplines and the most recurring themes. Check it out below and create a complete schedule to get the approval you’ve been dreaming of.


Text interpretation and grammar are two recurring themes. Therefore, study these topics and make sure you write very clearly and accurately. Try not to make spelling mistakes.


Accounts with fractions and percentages are always present in high school competitions. Try to pay attention to accounts with rules of 3.


Basic concepts of Word and Excel are enough to get approval. But if you study more about operating systems and information security, you will definitely stand out.

Constitutional right

Look for information about individual and collective rights and basic legislation.

Administrative law

Study Public Administration, tenders and contracts to obtain a good position in the competition.

Current affairs

Finally, remember to follow the news and stay up to date with what is happening in Brazilian and international politics.

How to prepare for a high school exam?

Homem estudando com computador e livro
Check out our tips to prepare. Source: Adobe Stock.

Check out our suggestions on how to prepare for a high school competition! We create a complete action plan.

Search and choose the best high school competition

Find the ideal area for you. So, think about what job you would like to do? Which position is most related to your personality? 

Or, look at the competitions that are open and sign up for the one that suits you best. It is important to take location into account, is it worth traveling every day to work?

Read the notice and identify the required subjects

The notice is your guide to prepare and study! This document will contain all the dates that you need to pay attention to and also the subjects that must be studied.

Draw up a schedule taking this information into account.

See previous tests and essay topics

The best way to study for high school competitions is to take tests from previous editions. This way, it is possible to know the issues and prepare in the most effective way, without wasting energy.

Choose a good preparatory course

To be more certain of approval, a good idea might be to take a preparatory course! There are many schools focused on preparing for high school competitions.

Therefore, choose the best option close to your home or select one with an online format.

Create a study schedule

A study schedule helps you stay focused and on pace. This way you guarantee that you will be constant and maintain the objective of passing the competition.

Do simulations

Finally, doing simulations can be a good way to study! Remember that practice is a good way to find which part is making the most mistakes that can be corrected with more study.

However, if you are also in tune with the job market, you might like to read our text about the hottest professions for 2023. So, access the recommended content below and check it out!

Mulher segurando uma carteira de trabalho

Trending professions in 2023: check out the areas

See here which are the hot areas to work in in 2023.

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