
BB Contest: see how to register

It's easy to register for the BB competition. See the step-by-step instructions in our text and find out how to apply for one of the vacancies.


Find out how to apply for one of the 4000 open positions

jovem comemora aprovação em concurso BB
The opportunities are many! Therefore, read the text to find out how to sign up. Source: Freepik.

The BB competition has vacancies open for the positions of Clerk – Commercial Agent and Clerk – Technology Agent. In total, there are 4000 open positions and a requirement is to have completed high school!

Are you interested? Therefore, check out this article for a complete guide on how to complete the registration process.



Bank of Brazil

Open Vacancies Good benefits

Sign up now and compete for vacancies with salaries of R$ 3 thousand to work 30 hours.

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We will answer your main questions on the subject and help you avoid making any mistakes. Therefore, read the content until the end.

What are the requirements to take part in the competition?

As stated earlier in this text, a requirement to compete in the BB competition is to have completed high school at an institution recognized by the government.

Therefore, this is the perfect option for those who do not yet have a degree and want to work in a public position.

At the same time, it is also necessary to be up to date with civil obligations, such as having done military service and paying taxes up to date.

How to register for the BB contest?

First, search for “Cesgranrio Concurso BB” in a search engine. This way it will be possible to access the website of the institution that is organizing this selection process.

The page will have information such as the fee amount and the competition notice. Click on “Registration Application Form” to begin the application process.

If you do not yet have an account on the platform, click on “I do not have a registration”. You will need to read all terms of use and provide personal data, such as name, document number and address.

Finally, you will need to answer a questionnaire about your experiences in the banking sector and how you found the competition.

Don't forget, after registering, to keep an eye on your emails for updates about the competition.

BB contest or Federal Revenue contest: which is the best contest to register for?

Jovem usa computador para se inscrever no concurso
Discover more opportunities for open public competitions. Source: Freepik.

How about trying to pass other competitions besides BB? The IRS also has an open selection process and the opportunities may be of interest to you!

Finally, if you want to know more about the subject, read our full text on the topic below and ask your questions.

Federal Revenue Contest: see how to apply

See here how to register for the competition and apply for a position in this government body.

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