
Find out how to enroll in SISU with your ENEM score:

Discover the path to the higher education of your dreams! Learn how to enroll in SISU and compete for places at the best public universities in Brazil.


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Veja como se inscrever no SISU e conquistar uma vaga na faculdade.
The academic future you want starts here! Source: Adobe Stock

You are about to embark on a journey that could open the door to a promising career. If you want to enter a renowned university, see how to apply to SISU. 

Sisu is the gateway to several public higher education institutions in Brazil. Therefore, knowing how to enroll in SISU is essential to open new horizons.

Get ready to learn about each stage, from planning to the long-awaited result. With this, you will be ready to face the competition and secure your place on a course that suits you.

But, if you didn't take ENEM last year, take the opportunity to study and take the exam this year. Check out the article below and see the best apps that can help you on this journey.


Application Article

Study for ENEM


Reach your dream grade on ENEM with these incredible apps!

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What is SISU?

Your chance to enter a public university is closer than ever! Source: Adobe Stock

SISU is the path that connects you to your academic dreams! In short, it is an inclusive program that opens the doors to the best public universities in Brazil for you. 

Through SISU, you have the chance to transform your ENEM grades into a passport for higher education. 

In other words, SISU offers a unified, transparent and merit-based selection process, which considers your performance in the ENEM to fill vacancies in competitive courses.

Forget about obstacles! With SISU, the search for a dream course becomes a reality within everyone's reach. 

Therefore, see how to register for SISU in the next topic.

How to participate?

To participate in the SISU selection process and apply for undergraduate course vacancies at public higher education institutions, follow the steps below.

First, with your ENEM grades in hand, access the official SISU website during the registration period. Then, log in with your ENEM registration number and password. 

During the registration period, SISU makes successive calls to invite candidates with the best ENEM scores for available vacancies. Stay tuned for the results.

What are the requirements to register?

To enroll in SISU, you must meet the following basic requirements:

  • Have taken the ENEM;
  • Not having finished writing;
  • Be within the profile of the vacancies offered;
  • Have a valid CPF;
  • Monitor deadlines.

It is worth remembering that, in addition, some institutions and courses may have specific requirements, such as carrying out specific skills tests or interviews. 

Therefore, it is important to carefully read the notices of each institution and course to ensure that you meet all the necessary requirements to enroll at SISU.




registrations SISU

Click here and access the official SISU website to register.

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How do I calculate my ENEM grade?

First of all, ENEM is essential to enroll in SISU. Therefore, to calculate your ENEM score, you will need to follow the steps:

  • Identify the weights of each test;
  • Multiply the grades by their respective weights, for example, if the Natural Sciences test has a weight of 2 and you obtained 700 points in that test, the result will be 1400;
  • Add the results of the multiplications;
  • Add the weights;
  • Divide the sum of the multiplications by the sum of the weights.

Finally, the formula for calculating the weighted ENEM average with weights is as follows:

Weighted Average = (Grade1 x Weight1 + Grade2 x Weight2 + Grade3 x Weight3 + Grade4 x Weight4 + Grade5 x Weight5) / (Weight1 + Weight2 + Weight3 + Weight4 + Weight5)

What is the cut-off score to pass SISU?

Secure your opportunity in higher education! Source: Adobe Stock

The cut-off scores for enrolling in SISU vary with each edition of the selection process and also depend on the course, institution and competition in a given year. 

But, we have separated some cutoff scores in 2023 to give you an idea: 


  • UNIFAP 923.9
  • UFAM 911.64


  • UFAM 874.35
  • UNIFAP 866.57


  • UFAM 831.97
  • UNIFAP 802.3

Therefore, to compete with more chances in competitive courses, it is essential that students prepare well for the ENEM and seek to obtain grades above average.

Step by step to register with SISU:

First of all, see how to sign up for SISU, it's simple, but we're here to guide you along the way!

Firstly, make sure you have taken the ENEM. This is the key to opening the doors of the best higher education institutions in Brazil. Then, access the official SISU website. Just click the button below:




registrations SISU

Access the official SISU website and sign up now.

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It's time to log in. Enter the ENEM registration number and your password. Now choose up to two undergraduate course options.

Then, complete your registration. But, remember that the next registrations for SISU only open in 2024, after the ENEM in 2023

Finally, if you haven't taken the ENEM yet, check out the article below for application tips to study for the exam and get the dream place at SISU.


Application Article

Study for ENEM


Do you want to increase your chances of success in ENEM? Do not waste time! Access the article.

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