
How do I send a CV to SBT?

Our guide will help you discover how to send your resume to SBT. Read the text to find out how to try to apply for one of the vacancies.


Our guide will help you apply for open positions

Find out what it takes to send your resume. Source: Freepik.

Do you want to know how to send your resume to SBT? The company has open positions and the benefits offered are many.

The application process is very simple. However, you need to pay attention to not make any mistakes.




Work on TV Good salary

Check out the opportunities and apply for the ones that suit you!

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That's why we created this guide that can help you make your application easier.

Read the text until the end and ask all your questions about the subject. 

What are the prerequisites for working at this company?

The requirements for submitting a CV to SBT vary depending on the position for which the candidate applies.

Therefore, it is possible to work at the company with just a high school diploma.

The young apprentice is an example of a position that does not require a college degree.

How do I send a CV to SBT?

To send a CV to SBT, the candidate must have an account on the Gupy platform.

Therefore, click on the link highlighted at the beginning of this post to access the platform with SBT vacancies.

Then, choose the position you want to fill and click on “Apply for a position” in the top right corner of the screen.

If you haven't registered yet, press the “Create Account” button and provide your details.

Finally, remember that your Gupy profile will be your CV. Therefore, provide as much information as possible.

SBT or Globo: which is better to work with?

Homem pensa como enviar currículo para SBT
Compare the two companies and choose the best one for your profile. Source: Freepik.

Now that you know how to send your resume to SBT, how about finding out what the process is to apply for one of the open positions at Globo?

We wrote a complete text on the subject. So, if you are interested, just click on the link below and find out everything about the subject!

Globo network vacancies

Do you want to know more job opportunities on TV? Read this text to find out about Globo’s vacancies!

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