
How do I send my CV to Renner?

To send a resume to Renner, the candidate must have an account on the Gupy platform. Find out more about the subject by reading our text.


Find out how to participate in the company's selection process

Mulher trabalha na loja Renner
Find out the first step to working at the company. Source: Freepik.

Do you want to know how to send your resume to Renner? The process is simple and can be done in a few minutes using just a computer.

We have prepared a complete guide to help you and answer your questions on this topic.



Renner Stores

Open Vacancies Good benefits

Check out all the job options on the network and apply.

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Therefore, if you are looking for a return to the job market, or even a first job, read on!

We can help you participate in the company's selection process and try to fill one of the vacancies!

What are the prerequisites for working at this company?

The requirements for sending a resume to Renner vary according to the desired position. However, operational positions, such as apprentice, salesperson or stock assistant, only require high school education.

How do I send my CV to Renner?

Firstly, access the website available at the beginning of this text. Then, search for the vacancy that best fits your profile. You can use the platform's filters to find options close to your home.

When you find the ideal opportunity, click on “Apply for the position” in the top right corner of the screen. At this point you will need to log in, or create an account at Gupy, if you don't already have one.

Remember to provide as much information as possible, as your profile on the website will be used as your CV.

Renner or Havan: which is better to work with?

Mulher pensa sobre como enviar currículo para Renner
Make a comparison to choose the best location. Source: Freepik.

Those looking for job opportunities don't need to stop after sending their resume to Renner! Therefore, there are other companies that are hiring right now and may also be of interest to you.

For example: Havan! Do you know what it takes to apply for one of the opportunities in this store chain? We made a guide that can help you right now!

So, if you want to know more, be sure to read the material below!

How to send resume to Havana?

Find out details about job opportunities at this company and apply for a position.

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