
How to send resume to Marisa?

Find out how to send your CV to Marisa and the correct way to use the Gupy platform by reading our complete guide on the topic. This way, you can apply for the job of your dreams.


Read the text if you want to participate in this company’s selection process

Atendente de loja conversa com cliente
Find out how to apply for one of the vacancies on the network. Source: Freepik.

Do you know how to send your resume to Marisa? The process for applying for one of the vacancies at this company is very simple and can be done entirely online.

There are job opportunities at this company throughout Brazil. Therefore, if you are looking for jobs close to your home, Marisa could be a good idea. 




Open Vacancies Good Benefits

Check out the opportunities in this store and send your resume.

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In this text we will present in detail what is necessary to apply for one of the vacancies.

Therefore, read the article until the end so that there are no doubts left on this topic.

What are the prerequisites for working at this company?

The requirements for sending a resume to Marisa vary depending on the position the candidate is looking for.

However, for operational vacancies the only requirement is usually the completion of high school.

How to send resume to Marisa?

Firstly, you need to have an account on the Gupy platform. Therefore, access this website and create a profile, filling in all the fields that ask for personal information and previous work experiences.

Then click on the link available at the beginning of this article. You will be redirected to Marisa's job posting page. Finally, just choose the position you want and click on “Apply for the position” in the top right corner of the page.

Marisa or C&A: which is better to work with?

Mulher pesquisa como enviar currículo para Marisa
Compare the two options and find the one that suits you best. Source: Freepik.

After sending your resume to Marisa, you can try to fill job openings in other companies. For example: C&A!

We have created a complete guide on what is needed to send your CV to this company. Therefore, if you want to increase your chances of being hired, be sure to read this text too!

How do I send a CV to C&A?

Discover other opportunities in the clothing trade sector and send your CV.

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