
How do I send a CV to Lojas Torra?

To apply your CV to Lojas Torra you need to have a Gupy account. Find out how to register on the platform by reading our text.


Check out the process required to apply

Vendedora ajuda cliente a escolher roupa
Employment opportunities may be advantageous for you. Source: Freepik.

Do you want to know how to send your resume to Lojas Torra? The store chain has several vacancies open and one of them may suit your profile.

The application process is very simple and can be done completely online in just a few minutes. 



Torra Stores

Open Vacancies Good benefits

Discover the platform through which this company’s vacancies are advertised.

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Are you curious and want to know more? Therefore, continue reading the text and do not miss any important information on the topic.

What are the prerequisites for working at this company?

The prerequisites for sending a resume to Lojas Torra vary according to the position the candidate wishes to occupy. For example: young apprentices must be attending high school. 

On the other hand, if you want to be a salesperson, you will need to have completed this stage of your studies.

How do I send a CV to Lojas Torra?

First of all, to send your resume to you must have an account on the Gupy platform. Therefore, access this website and create your registration with personal information and previous work experiences.

Then, on the home page of this platform, search for “Torra”. All open positions in the network will be displayed. You can find the one that most closely matches your profile by reading the descriptions.

Finally, click on “Apply for a position” in the top right corner to send your resume and compete for this opportunity.

Torra or Havan stores: which is better to work at?

Homem pensativo
In doubt? See our texts about both companies. Source: Freepik.

After sending a CV to Lojas Torra, a candidate can apply for other job opportunities, for example: the Havan chain.

Havan stores have even more locations throughout Brazil and therefore may have vacancies close to your home.

Want to know how to send your resume? Read our full text below on the subject and ask your questions.

How to send resume to Havana?

Find out more about another store chain that has lots of vacancies!

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