
How do I send my CV to Globo?

The process of sending a resume to Globo must be done through the Gupy platform. Read our text and find out more about the subject.


Discover how to work at the biggest broadcaster in Brazil

Homem trabalha com câmera
The job openings go beyond activities linked to communication. Source: Pixabay.

Do you know how to send your resume to Globo? If you've always dreamed of working on television, know that the first step can be simple.

There are several vacancies open at this broadcaster and one of them may suit your profile.




Open Vacancies Good benefits

Check out the vacancies to work at this large Brazilian communications company.

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Therefore, read our text and find out how to apply for one of the job opportunities.

What are the prerequisites for working at this company?

The prerequisites for working at Globo vary depending on the vacancy. For example, to work as a Full Data Analyst you must have a degree in Marketing, Engineering or Technology and know databases.

How do I send my CV to Globo?

Firstly, the process of sending a CV to Globo begins with the candidate creating an account on the Gupy platform. This is the website used by the company to advertise its vacancies and carry out selection processes.

Therefore, fill in all your main data on the platform and provide work experiences and academic training. Don't forget that your profile will be used as a resume.

Then, simply search for Globo on the platform and apply for the vacancies that interest you most. Check your email to stay up to date with updates on the selection process.

Globo or Americanas: which is better to work?

Mulher procura sobre como enviar currículo para Globo em computador
Compare the two companies and send your CV to the one that interests you most. Source: Pixabay.

Finally, if you are looking for other ways to find a job quickly, it is important, in addition to knowing how to send your resume to Globo, to apply for jobs at other companies.

One of the available options is Lojas Americanas. Check out our text on this topic and find out how to apply it.

How to send a resume to Lojas Americanas

Learn now how to get a job at this chain of stores.

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