
How to send a CV to Carrefour?

Carrefour has its own platform to advertise vacancies at the company. Want to know how to send your resume? Read our full text.


Check out the application process for this company

Mulher trabalha no Carrefour
It's very easy to apply for a job at the company! Know more. Source: Freepik.

Do you know how to send your resume to Carrefour? Unlike other companies, this one does not use the Gupy platform in its selection processes.

Therefore, we created a text that can help you understand how to apply for one of the vacancies.




Open Vacancies Good benefits

Check out this company's job platform and find out about the benefits.

Você será redirecionado a outro site

Read this article until the end to answer your questions and find out what it takes to apply for one of the vacancies. We can help you get back into the job market.

What are the prerequisites for working at this company?

Requirements to send a CV to Carrefour vary. Therefore, before applying, check the job description and see if your profile matches it.

In general, the candidate is required to have completed high school to work in one of the operational vacancies.

How to send a CV to Carrefour?

First, access the link available at the beginning of this article. Then select the area in which you would like to apply for vacancies at this company.

After choosing the opportunity that is most related to your profile, click on “Apply to this vacancy” to send your resume to Carrefour and, at the end of the page, enter your personal email.

Finally, you will need to fill in all the blank fields with your personal information. Please provide truthful information as this will be used as your CV. 

Carrefour or Assaí: which is better to work at?

Homem pensativo
Discover the positive points of both companies. Source: Freepik.

Finally, sending your resume to Carrefour doesn't have to be your only attempt to get a job. Other companies, such as Assaí, are also hiring employees with similar profiles.

So, if you want to know more about the subject, read our text below and find out what is needed to apply.

How do I send a CV to Assaí Atacadista?

Do you want to know more about Assaí and know how to send your CV? Read this text.

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