
How do I send a CV to Lojas Americanas?

Check out our text for step-by-step instructions on how to send your CV to Lojas Americanas. The complete guide will help you not to make any mistakes. So, continue reading and check out the process.


Find out how to apply for one of the open positions

Logo Americanas
Working online can be advantageous due to the benefits. Source: Americanas.

Have you ever wondered how to send your resume to Lojas Americanas? In this text we will help you with this process!

This company hires in several Brazilian cities and may have open positions near you!




Open vacancies Good benefits

Find the position you want and send your resume to apply for it.

Você será redirecionado a outro site

Therefore, be sure to check the requirements and how to complete the registration.

Our guide can help you get a job and work in your field of study! 

What are the prerequisites for working at this company?

To work at Lojas Americanas you must meet prerequisites that vary according to the vacancy.

For example, in the case of vacancies for the master's talent program, you must be enrolled in a postgraduate course. On the other hand, operational vacancies only require high school education from their candidates.

How do I send a CV to Lojas Americanas?

The selection process and submission of CVs is done entirely online. Firstly, the candidate must create an account on the Gupy platform.

It is worth remembering that some vacancies are available on the company's website. However, all applications are made through this vacancy website.

Fill in all your personal data and information regarding work and study experiences on this platform. Then, search for “Americanas” on Gupy and apply for one of the open positions.

Americanas or Assaí Atacadista: which is better to work for?

Arte lojas Americanas
Check out other job options. Source: Americanas.

If you are looking for how to send your resume to Lojas Americanas, you must be looking for a job, another option could be the Assaí Atacadista network. This company has several open positions and may be hiring near your home!

The network also hires through Gupy, so it is possible to apply for both companies with the same resume.

Find out more about the subject by reading our text below about this company and finding out everything you need to sign up.

Assaí Atacadista

How to work at Assaí Atacadista, find out everything about it here.

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