
CERS: find out if it’s worth studying

CERS has classes, shifts and handouts that can help you prepare for competitions. Find out more about the subject by reading our complete guide on the platform.


Check out how this study platform for competitions can help you prepare for approval

Pessoa estuda com CERS
Preparing for competitions can be practical. Source: Unsplash

You cannot miss the opportunity to prepare for the most diverse competitions. And CERS is the online course platform you need to succeed.

This site has preparatory courses, news about public competitions, questions and other tools that can help you.


Preparatory Courses


Various courses Free stuff

Check out the official website by clicking the button below.

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Are you interested and want to know more about the topic? So, just read this text below.

We have created a guide with the main points on this topic that can help you start studying today.

How do CERS courses work?

mulher estudando
Find out how to study through this website. Source: Unsplash

Always aiming to think ahead when it comes to education, the company followed a pioneering path that resulted in recognition as the main distance education entity in its area of operation in the country.

CERS courses have several special functions that can help you reach your maximum potential in a public examination.

The material is prepared based on the notice of a competition and includes simulations, question sessions, simulations and online classes.

Therefore, this platform can be a good way to prepare for your next selection process of this type.


Preparatory Courses


Online courses Affordable price

Visit the website to find out more about the platform.

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Is it possible to study on this platform for free?

Yes, it is possible to find preparatory courses for public exams for free at CERS!

This platform has free material on recurring subjects in these selection processes. Such as Ethics, and also offers classes for specific positions and careers.

However, if you wish to have access to more complete material and all the tools, you must make a payment.

How much do CERS courses cost?

The price of CERS courses varies depending on the topic and public examination that the student plans to take.

Therefore, it is possible to find material that costs from R$500 to R$2500. Therefore, check the one that best meets your needs and is within your spending limit.

What courses are available on the platform?

Are you curious and want to check out some of the courses available at CERS? So, check out the following list:

  • Preparation for public prosecutor and judge;
  • Delegate;
  • Judicial Technician;
  • Tax law and processes for public tenders;
  • Ethics for public tenders.

What are the main competitions covered by the platform?

The CERS focuses on public competitions in the legal areas (lawyering, courts), police and preparation for the OAB.

However, using this website it is still possible to study subjects frequently found in competitions in all areas.

What is the pass rate in competitions for students on this platform?

CERS does not report the percentage of students who studied through its platform. And not even how many managed to pass public exams.

Is it worth studying at CERS?

Yes, CERS has quality material that can help you pass various public exams more easily.

Therefore, we can say that this platform is worth it. Plus, it can help you with your professional goals.

How to register with CERS?

First, click on the “Login or register” button on the CERS home page. Then choose the “Register” option.

You will need to fill out a questionnaire with your name, CPF, email and password to proceed.

Finally, access your home page and choose which courses you would like to study to prepare for your next competition.


Preparatory Courses


Preparatory Juridical area

Start the registration process now by clicking below.

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How to study using this platform?

CERS students can use the schedule created by the platform itself to study and be able to deal with all the topics set out in a notice before the test.

At the same time, it is also possible to set your own goals and use the material available to study on your own.

Finally, a person can use all available resources to study from any place and time using the virtual learning environment.

CERS or Competition Strategy: which is the best platform to study?

rapaz estudando online
If you want to know more options, continue reading. Source: Unsplash

CERS is just one of the sites that offer material that helps you prepare for public exams!

Therefore, you can use other platforms to find booklets and courses that best suit your profile.

An example in this area is Plataforma Concursos, if you want to know the site, read the text below and find out what all the benefits are.

Competition Strategy

Compare more platforms to choose the best one.

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