
Competition organizing boards: how to find the right competition through them?

Find out how to prepare for competitions more accurately by getting to know the main competition organizing boards. So, read this post until the end and see which are the main stalls.


Knowing the panel helps you get ahead of other candidates

Mulher pesquisa por bancas organizadoras de concursos
Knowing more about the stalls gives you several advantages! Source: Freepik.

Do you know what competition organizing boards are? In this text we will present you with the main information on this topic.

Knowing a panel well helps you prepare for the test and understand the type of questions that may be present in your public examination. Therefore, a person who understands this subject can come out ahead of other candidates.

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Therefore, if you want to learn more about the subject and prepare for your next test, be sure to read this article until the end.

Our guide can help you prepare more assertively and stand out from other candidates!

What are competition organizing boards?

Homem estuda para concurso público
Discover the main organizing stalls. Source: Freepik.

Competition organizing boards are the institutions responsible for preparing exam questions for a competition. 

At the same time, they also have other responsibilities, such as publicizing the test and organizing the entire selection process.

Therefore, the way a panel organizes the test has a total impact on how the competition will be carried out! The type of questions, topics that will appear in the tests and even the way the candidate must prepare can change depending on the panel.

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How to be approved in competitions

Check out our recommendations and techniques that can help you.

What are the main competition organizing boards?

Check out our list of the main competition organizing boards and find out how to prepare correctly for the tests by knowing the characteristics of each one.


Firstly, we present Cebraspe. This is one of the competition organizing boards that became famous due to the difficulty of the exam questions.

The questions usually have only two alternatives for the candidate to choose: Right and Wrong. At the same time, if you get an answer wrong, a correct question is discounted.

Therefore, a recommended strategy is for the contestant not to guess if they are in doubt about the answer to a question.


Many municipal public competition tests are carried out by Vunesp. This is one of the competition organizing boards that does not have very complex questions and can have the content interpreted more easily.

However, you still need to worry about topics such as grammar and the text of the Law. Therefore, pay special attention to these two topics when studying and preparing for the exam.

Carlos Chagas Foundation

This panel is known for applying “gotchas” to its questions. For example: asking the candidate to mark the incorrect alternative and thus harming those who are not paying attention to the statement.

It is worth noting that the questions usually have long introductions and require the candidate to analyze the text. Therefore, take the test calmly and very carefully.

Finally, the questions are multiple choice in the traditional way, that is, with 4 or 5 alternatives.

Getulio Vargas Foundation

Fundação Getulio Vargas is one of the competition organizing boards that requires the most text interpretation from its candidates. The tests also usually present excerpts from the law and ask questions about the topic.

As this institution takes tests for the AOB and other positions in courts and in the legal field, it is possible to find several questions about law. Sometimes the bench involves practical legal cases.


Cegranrio is a firm that, in general, addresses a wide variety of topics. Therefore, it is necessary to study all the subjects proposed in the notice of the competition you wish to take.

Finally, the institution often uses graphics, long texts, images and other materials that require the candidate's interpretation. Therefore, always read the questions very carefully.

How to find the right competition through these stalls?

Mulher estuda para concurso
Find out how to use this information to your advantage. Source: Freepik.

After knowing the characteristics of the tests prepared by different competition organizing boards, the candidate can choose the right competition! To do this, you need to take some factors into account.

Firstly, analyze which topics you have the greatest affinity with. Therefore, it will be possible to run a competition that deals with subjects that you already know.

For example: if you know a lot about grammar, a test carried out by Vunesp will be advantageous. On the other hand, if you know the law well, it is a good choice to take part in competitions organized by FGV.

At the same time, knowing the exam boards can also help you know which questions you should pay attention to at the time of the test. Like pranks that can be applied or pay greater attention to the statement.

Finally, now that you know how to prepare, how about checking out some open public competitions? We have prepared some texts on the subject that may interest you!

Check the link below and find out what positions are being hired and how to apply.

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