Check out how to become a beauty entrepreneur and gain financial independence
A Jequiti reseller can earn up to 30% in profit on their sales! Find out what the company's other benefits are in this text.
Sign up for free at Jequiti and earn extra income
To be a Jequiti reseller you must meet a series of requirements! Find out what these are in our text.
Check out how to gain financial independence by selling cosmetics
Find out how to become an O Boticário reseller and earn up to 15% on the sale of all products from this brand! We created a guide on the topic.
Sign up for free at Boticário and increase your income
Our guide helps you find out how to become an O Boticário reseller! Check out the steps in our text and find out where to start.
Health hazard pay: who is entitled to it and how to calculate it?
Do you know which professions are entitled to hazard pay? In this guide we will help you understand everything about the topic!
Fies or Prouni: which is better? Check the answer!
Do you have doubts between Fies or Prouni? Read our guide to find out more details about the two forms of entry and choose without errors.
Continue lendoHazard premium: who is entitled and how to calculate it?
Understand what hazard pay is and how it works! In this text we help you find out if you are entitled to this benefit.
Continue lendoNight surcharge: what is it and how to calculate it?
The nighttime bonus is a right for a class of workers! Do you know if you can receive this benefit? Check it out here!
Continue lendoJob promotion: how to prepare for new challenges
Job promotion can be the dream of many employees! Find out here where to start and how to achieve your goals!
Continue lendoHow to prepare for the entrance exam: see our tips!
The process of preparing for the entrance exam can become easier by following a few steps! Find out what these are in our text!
Continue lendoHow to carry out professional self-assessment? Check out the tips!
Do you know how to do a professional self-assessment? The process is simple and can help you grow professionally! Check it out here.
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