
Competition applications: check out 8 options for studying 

It is possible to use apps to study for public exams! There are paid and free options that can help you with this process! Come check it out here.


Discover apps that prepare you for the competition with your cell phone

Homem estuda com Aplicativos para concurso
Learn how to study anytime, anywhere. Source: Freepik.

Studying for a competition does not have to be a difficult task or one that requires a lot of money. Did you know that there are contest apps that can help you on this journey?

These provide questions, study materials and even timelines that can help you get approved.

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In this text we provide tips and recommendations for programs in this area that can help you.

Therefore, if you are interested in the subject, be sure to read the text until the end to discover all the options we have listed.

How do contest applications work?

Homem usa tablet para estudar
These tools can bring several benefits! Check out. Source: Freepik.

Competition applications aim to help candidates study for these tests.

Therefore, it provides all types of material that can help with this activity.

At the same time, it is important to highlight that there are paid and free apps.

Therefore, we recommend that you check out all the options below and choose the ones that fit your budget.

Finally, we can mention as an advantage of these programs the fact that they allow you to study from any place and time!]. A cell phone is enough to access the content.

How to be approved in competitions?

Our tips can help you pass these tests!

What are the 8 contest applications?

We have prepared a list with recommendations of 8 apps for the contest!

So, if you want to know more and find out details about each of these, keep reading!

1. I got it right

One of the best ways to study for an exam is to take previous exams.

However, have you ever imagined how much easier and more fun it would be to answer these questions in the form of a game?

This is the application proposal for the Acertei! contest. Through this it is possible to answer questions that were asked in previous tests and compete with other candidates.

Acertoi divides the questions into 10 different themes and difficulties. Therefore, it is possible to study in a more organized way.

2. QConcursos

QConcursos is one of the competition application options that is completely free.

Therefore, it is possible to have contact with quality material without spending anything.

In this app you can study with online classes or questions from previous exams.

On the other hand, if you prefer, there are online chat rooms to exchange experiences with other students.

One of the positive points is that the material from famous competitions, such as AOB and entrance exams, is separated into its own folders!

3. Simulations App

In turn, the Simulados App provides the user with more than 40 thousand questions that can help them receive approval in a public contest!

However, to make use of this program, you need to deal with the ads and advertisements available! These allow the material to be free.

Finally, one of the advantageous tools of this contest application is the tab that allows you to see in which area you are most or least successful. Therefore, it is possible to direct the study.

4. Librarianship

The Librarianship app has 3 plans for students. You can choose between studying for free, paying monthly or annually. 

Paying users receive more benefits! For example: taking more complete tests and tests!

However, even without making payment, you can still enjoy various content such as questions, tests and check open notices.

5. Gran Cursos Online

Gran Cursos Online is another competition application that only offers part of its material free of charge to its users.

Therefore, when using the app without paying, you can find PDFs and questions from previous exams that can help you study for exams. 

On the other hand, anyone who subscribes gets private support from teachers and recorded online classes!

6. Tec Concursos

Those who study through Tec Concursos will find questions created by professionals who can help you study for competitions.

However, the free plan limits the number of questions a student can answer in a day!

Therefore, if you want to have access to all the content, you need to pay for one of the subscription plans.

7. Estudaqui

This is one of the most advantageous contest apps on our list! Estudaqui allows the user to create a complete study schedule to be approved!

To do this, simply inform which competition you want to be approved in and select which areas you have the most difficulty with.

Finally, it is also possible to count on questions from previous exams! Therefore, this app provides a complete package to help the candidate.

8. Approved

The last of the contest applications on our list is Approved. This has more than 1 million questions asked in previous tests from the most diverse areas!

At the same time, the tool also allows students to manage their studies! 

Therefore, you can create a schedule and time your dedication to each subject!

How to choose the ideal app to study for exams?

Mulher estuda com celular
In this topic we help you discover which is the best app option. Source: Freepik

As you may have already noticed, there are several application options for the contest. However, some differences may make these more suitable for people with a specific profile.

For example: if you find it difficult to organize your time and schedule, it may be a good choice to use apps like Aprovado or Estudaqui.

On the other hand, if you are looking for different tools and help from professionals, Gran Cursos may be a better option!

Therefore, analyze your scenario carefully before choosing which option to download from your cell phone's app store!

Finally, if you want more tips on how to study effectively, read our text on study methods! The material is available below and can help you prepare for a contest more easily!

Study methods for the competition

Do you want to study more effectively? Check out our tips on this subject

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