
Anhanguera: see how to enroll in distance learning courses

Anhanguera has more than 100 distance learning courses being taught in two different ways, read the text to find out more about the subject.


See course options at this institution

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Do you want to study at a quality institution? Find out more in the text! Source: Freepik.

Anhanguera is one of the most famous private higher education institutions in Brazil! It offers quality courses to students across the country through its centers.

However, do you know what the process is to join one of the courses and start studying?

Anhanguera Entrance Exam: how to register?

Do you know how to register for the test? Check it out here.

We have prepared a guide with instructions on this subject that can help you discover what is needed to start your degree remotely.

Therefore, continue reading if you want to learn the entry formats and courses available in the distance learning modality of this institution.

What is Anhanguera?

Logo Anhanguera
Firstly, get to know the institution. Source: Anhanguera.

Anhanguera is a private college with over 25 years of experience. During this time, the institution managed to open more than 370 units across the country and create more than 300 higher education courses.

Therefore, students can count on a wide variety of quality programs and classes to choose from! At the same time, the fact that distance learning classes are offered is also an advantage.

How does Anhanguera's EAD work?

Distance learning at Anhanguera can be done in two ways: hybrid or fully digital. In the first case, the student must attend a teaching center at certain times to carry out course activities.

On the other hand, digital 100% courses are taken without the student having to leave home. Therefore, tests, activities and classes all take place in an online environment.

Who can study at the institution?

Firstly, to study at Anhanguera you must have completed high school and be approved in one of the entry modes.

For example: in-person entrance exam, online entrance exam, Enem score or transfer.

What are the institution's distance learning courses?

In total, Anhanguera offers 91 fully distance learning courses and 51 hybrid model courses. Do you want to know some of these? So, check out our list below:

  • Agribusiness;
  • Biological Sciences;
  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Quality management;
  • Veterinary Medicine;
  • Between others.

What is the average monthly fee for distance learning courses?

The monthly fee for an EAD course at Anhanguera varies greatly depending on which option the candidate chooses. 

For example: a degree in Veterinary Medicine costs R$ 1,059.00 per month. At the same time, the Financial Management course has a monthly fee of R$ 379.00.

Is it worth studying at Anhanguera?

Do you want to know if Anhanguera is really the best choice for your professional career? So, check out our list of positive and negative points of this university.


Firstly, among the positive points of this institution we can mention:

  • Great diversity of courses;
  • Consolidated reputation in the market;
  • Several extra benefits for students, such as the career track.


However, among the disadvantages are present:

  • High monthly fee in some cases;
  • Lack of contact with teachers in the 100% EAD courses.

How does the institution's entrance exam work?

Homem estudante
Finally, understand one of the ways to enter college. Source: Freepik.

The Anhanguera entrance exam can be done in the traditional way, setting a date and going to one of the centers to take the test or you can do it online.

The online test consists of an essay, each candidate can attempt this up to 5 times and the topic changes with each attempt.

Finally, if you want to try to get into this college, read our text on how to register for the entrance exam available below.

Anhanguera Entrance Exam: how to register?

Check out more details about the selection process in this text.

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