
Alfacon Concursos: find out if it’s worth studying

Alfacon Concursos has several free courses for public competitions! Want to know more and find out how to access it? Read our complete guide on the topic.


Find out all the details about this website that can help you study for exams

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It is possible to study at home for exams! Know more. Source: Freepik

Alfacon Concursos may be the best source of news about public competitions and handouts that help you prepare for these competitions.

At the same time, the site also has courses focused on specific selection processes and can help you receive approval in these. 


Course Platform

Alfacon Contests

More performance Various courses

Do you want to visit the website? Just click the button below to check it out.

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Are you curious and want to know more about the subject? So, continue reading our complete guide on the topic.

We can help you understand how to take your first steps on the platform and find out what courses are available.

How do Alfacon Concursos courses work?

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Find out more about how the platform works. Source: Freepik

Alfacon Concursos courses are focused on preparing for public competitions.

Therefore, the material is structured according to the notice of a competition and covers the main subjects required in the tests

Alfacon offers specific courses for certain positions or areas of activity. This material is offered with video lessons, handouts, exercises, and support from teachers.


Course Platform

Alfacon Contests

More approval High satisfaction

To check all available courses you can click the button below.

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Is it possible to study on this platform for free?

Yes, Alfacon Concursos has a session with free material on its website! To access this, simply click on “Free Courses” in the top menu.

One of the positive points of this platform is the fact that the free courses also cover specific competitions!

Therefore, these can help you prepare for a competition you plan to take without paying anything.

Therefore, before paying for the subscription, check if studying for free on this site is a possibility. 

How much do Alfacon Concursos courses cost?

The price of Alfacon Concursos courses varies according to the topic a student wants. 

Therefore, it is possible to sign up for a subscription that entitles you to several courses on the website, or even purchase just one booklet that interests you.

Check out the list below with some of the available options:

  • Booklets for Federal Police competitions: R$224.82;
  • Basic IT Handouts: R$132.00;
  • Unified military careers course: R$1199.04;
  • One-year basic subscription (entitled to 8500 courses): R$1198.80.

What courses are available on the platform?

As you may have noticed in the previous topic, there are more than 8500 courses in the Alfacon Concurso! These can have different objectives. 

For example: providing study material for a specific competition, teaching a subject (such as mathematics or Portuguese), or focusing on a career, such as the military.

Are you curious? So, check out the list of some options:

  • Preparation for the Administration Assistant competition in Colleges;
  • Preparation for the Military Police Officer competition;
  • IT for public tenders;
  • Series of competitive mathematics questions.

What are the main competitions covered by the platform?

Alfacon Concursos focuses on mainly 7 types of public competitions. Therefore, this site is recommended if you want to study in the following areas:

  • Police officer
  • Court
  • Military
  • Administrative
  • Supervisor
  • Delegate
  • Health

However, remember that although these are the areas of greatest focus, the platform has more than 8500 courses. So there may be material for your interest.

What is the pass rate in competitions for students on this platform?

According to Alfacon Concursos, the pass rate of its students varies between 50% and 70%, depending on the competition provided.

Is it worth studying at Alfacon Concursos?

Yes, Alfacon Concursos has a wide variety of courses and handouts. Therefore, it is possible to find a product that could be perfect for your study.

It should be noted that this platform also has free material focusing on specific public competitions.

Therefore, it is worth studying through this website and preparing for your next competition.

How to register for Alfacon Concursos?

To register for Alfacon Concursos, simply click on the “Register” button on the right side of the top menu.

Then, fill in the necessary data, which in this case are: name, address and a valid email.

Finally, select a plan or choose whether you want to study for free with the available material.


Course Platform

Alfacon Competition

Free content Online course

Do you want to start studying right now? Therefore, click the button below to access.

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How to study using this platform?

Students who sign up for an Alfacon Concursos course have access to all its content during the agreed period.

Therefore, it is possible to create a schedule to prepare for the test using this material. 

You can also watch the video classes as many times as you want, to review the content and consolidate what you learned.

Alfacon Competitions or Strategy Competitions: which is the best platform to study?

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Finally, find out more opportunities in this area. Source: Freepik

In addition to Alfacon Concursos, there are other platforms that can help you study for competitions. For example: the Competition Strategy.

This site offers a series of unique advantages that can help with your studies! Are you curious? Therefore, read our full text on the subject below.

Competition Strategies

This platform can help you study for other competitions! Check out.

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